The promised second part of our rundown of the greatest women in television. Of course we've missed many out, so if you see anyone missing that you feel should be listed, be sure to let us know about it by leaving a comment! Here's the top five!
5) Patty Hewes – I’m never sure if Patty has a heart of gold covered in broken glass or if she’s just a crazy self-serving sociopath. Either way she’s made of awesome. The terror she seems to inspire in most people around her is a sight to behold as she switches from an instant from calm and collected to unbridled rage. And is it just me that wants her to push Ellen down some sort of mine shaft?
Highpoint; ‘
Because I Know Patty’ Her destruction of Frobisher was spectacular.
4) Detective Shakima "Kima" Greggs – A completely dedicated officer who knows exactly when to call bullshit, Kima is one of my favorite characters on The Wire (along with Omar Little of course). Not afraid to dirty her hands, she still nonetheless plays mainly by the book, though her decision to rat out McNulty and Freamon may seem to lack loyalty, she did what she needed to do, proving herself to be somewhat of a moral center in a difficult situation.
Highpoint; ‘
Unto Others’ Figuring out that a murder was caused by a stray bullet. Blew my mind.
3) Blair Waldorf – OK, so she’s stuck-up, superficial and a bitch, but let’s not forget that she is also amazing. Blair, whose trials and tribulations in Gossip Girl have always been the most interesting focus of the show can always bring the greatest humor to the screen. But she also has a heart… somewhere. Her relationship with Chuck redeeming her and making her seem more human, Blair proves herself to be able to express emotion as well as catty put-downs.
Highpoint; ‘
In the Realm of the Basses’ Talking Chuck down from that ledge and showing her soft underbelly. OK I admit, I fangasmed.
2) Betty Suarez – Who needs coffee right? With enough energy to power a city for a week, Betty Suarez is the ultimate go-getter. Ignoring her completely boring romantic entanglements (with the exception of Gio, God he was awesome), Betty’s story has been one of triumph over adversity, an ugly duckling in fashions harsh world. Which OK, America Ferrera is hardly ugly, far from it. But the triumph angle still sticks. She loves her family, is supportive to her friends and tries not to make mistakes, though when she does it’s more than little amusing to watch. Betty brought more than a little light into our lives and it killed me a little to see her go. But hey, at least she’s a success and stuff, right.
Highpoint; ‘
Tornado Girl’ Betty goes above and beyond to save the day, with emphasis on the above.
1) Dr. Juliet Burke – Tragedy. I mean it’s been written in the name Juliet ever since our William sent that Capulet girl to an early grave. Dr. Juliet Burke remains a firm part of this tradition. Trapped for much of her life, first by an ex-husband that holds her professional career in his hands and then by Benjamin Linus, a man obsessed and of course, a crazy time-traveling island. So considering she is defined by her entrapment and her tragedy, why on Earth is she number 1? Because in spite of everything, she is the best she can be; powerful, intelligent, compassionate but strong. The world keeps taking and she keeps giving, but she always gets back up for more. In the face of a spirit that can only be called indomitable, who couldn’t call her their favorite? Even her end, her desperate yearning for the bomb to take them all down was a desire to make the world a better place. So Dr. Burke, I salute you.
Highpoint; ‘
Not in Portland’ All she ever wanted was to go home, my heart broke right there! Plus she killed Danny Pickett and he was a douche right?
That's all for now. Let us know what you think, we live off feedback. Seriously they're conducting studies on it and everything.